Friday, May 28, 2010



I'm going to Pulau Redang this holiday!



anyone wanna borrow me a sunglasses?

I wanna wear it ...

and makes me look more cool....


COOL.....not COLD...


Pulau Redang...

I'm coming...

wait for me....

don't run away....(oh...damn island can't run ,it only can sink)

I wanna play the sand...

watch sunset...

and have Barbeque ...


but after I went to Pulau Redang,

I will be facing a tough time

because my money had finish...

damn bloody shit!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


some old cute photos...


aigoo.......wooyoung...don't eat it!

hehe...prince panda~~

cute~~chansung....and junho.....

LOL...taec...thats too small for you...

Sunday, May 16, 2010

believe me....

why cant u just believe me??!!

sometimes i really hate u...although i know that i cant hate u...

cant u please don't so 'kap siao'??!

u still think I'm the last time's Elayne??

u don't care about me!

I done what u also don't know!

u thought u know me ...but u are not!

i sacrifice a lot last year but u don't know...

u hurt me...

i always want to say that u are the best...


i cant say it...

cause u are not the best for me...


sometimes i really hate to near u...

u always wronged me....

i've said that i didn't done that...

but u still scold me!

u like to scold me...

i've endure u for a long time...

i'm not a problematic girl!!

i know what should and what shouldn't i do!

u never believe me!

u never listen to what i've said....

and u don't know when i'm happy or not...

u don't know i've cried how many times when u scold me...

i just want u to believe me....thats all....


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I'm no longer 14...

time pases so fast...

I am no longer 14 years old...

my 15 years old is welcoming me...

17th May 2010

is coming...

this year 's birthday:

no celebration cause tuition

no present cause my beloved brothers didn't come back


this year's birthday,

will not be my happiest birthday ever

Saturday, May 8, 2010

no chansung for me~

okok...this post is for Joyce Ong..

I kick chansung out of my list already...

so don't ever say that I like him...


now I didn't like anyone from your list.....

now just left Joanna....

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


you scold me!
why did you scold me?
its not my fault..
its not the president's fault too..
its your fault!!

who call you always didn't be in the class??

how do people want to inform you??

please don't do like you are very important to us...

oh my!

stop doing that!

i've call someone to inform you...
stop saying anything!


he/she has a scandal with someone...

I can't believe this..OMG!

when Yi En told me this I was like : OMG!What!!

its unbelievable~~

Monday, May 3, 2010

a funny + silly parody of joanna , misa & I...

guess what...
our parody is fully edited and had uploaded at youtube...
its so silly...