Sunday, October 31, 2010

today with the date :31 of October~raining non-stop

yeah~I didn't online this morning and evening.
you know why?
coz i went to buy some sweaters.
i'm so excited.
my holidays are coming!

and theres a hot topic between clareen,joyce and I
the topic is 'perang tiga segi'
its kinda funny coz three of us use the same model of hand phone and share the same bias together

oh,and i'm sneezing now
my nose gonna got off from my face soon><
and because of last week's music bank
i hurted my throat because of shouting of 2pm~><
and  i ate prawn and squid last few days,
after eating them,my face become more bad now,
I regret of eating those.but i can't stop my mouth~

its 2.32AM in the morning now but i'm not sleeping
still updating!
but i'm tired now...
after finish this post,i gonna hit my comfy bed~
YONG YONG ,I'm coming.
if you watch my last post,you'll know who is YONG YONG,
YONG YONG is my fake kangaroo><


Saturday, October 30, 2010

don't be such a narrow mind

ok,maybe is only me but I still need to write this.
I really can't stand you
don't be narrow mind.
I know you only love that company,
but as we all know,
the company that you love with the award's company are kinda like enemy.
So,you no need to blame this and that
Plus,don't ever said the other artists can get those awards because of nobody from the company that you love participate in the award.
you sound like only the company that you love's artists have the ability to get those awards.
you're wrong!
every artists struggle like hell before they get those awards.
thats mean every artists have the ability to get the awards .
every artists struggle before,not only the artists from the company that you love .
and you said why some artists can get so many awards,
this is because they did more well than the other artists.

you should think further and think more!
you're just like a person that the company you love give you money every month to love them~
sometimes,I'm very curious about why can't you accept other company?
this is kinda stupid...
by the way,
stop blaming .
last time,when you blame about the award that didn't let those artists that you love be in the nominees list.
I kinda think of sending :'F**K U,B**CH' to you.
but I didn't do that.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

back from a tired dance practice

as I have nothing to do after the PMR,

I went to Joanna 's house on Sunday(17/10/2010)

the main purpose of going to her house is...


my favourite: learn and practice dance

this time we gonna learn






its a 5 minutes dance

not only Joanna and I ,

Angella (jing yong) , Wen nee , Mika (Ci Yue) and

the most supricing Yi En

I know you gonna ask

Yi En know how to dance?

yes she know!

she'll prove to you!


I stay in Joanna 's house for 2 night

these days were really very tired

we woke up and started to learn the dance on 7.30 in the morning,

but the problem is

we slept at 3 in the morning,

we only slept for about 5-6 hours!


then we learnt and practiced the dance till about 6 evening,

damn tired!

but kinda fun~

we had fun all together

at the first,

I need to teach Yi En,

but she said I'm too strict

so she don't want me to teach her~ha!

am I really strict?

I admit I'm crazy

and hyperactive

I can't stop doing and talking and speaking and whatever

I'm so lame

Joanna,Angella,Yi En and I went to 'My Town' shop for having our dinner

the food is kinda tasty~

especially the fried rice..

Angella took some photos of the food (she likes to take photos)

after our dinner,

we straightly hit to SEVEN-ELEVEN to buy snacks for ourselves to eat in the midnight

then we hit to GUARDIAN,

I bought a hair spray

the brand is LUCIDO-L

I kinda love this brand

after shop at GUARDIAN,

Joanna called her mom to come and fetch us back her home..

and bla bla bla..

Joanna ,Yi en and I chatted and watched TV till 12 in the midnight

the main purpose for us to sleep so late was we were waiting to watch 8TV nite live(we wanna watch BAKI)

but when we turn the channel to 8TV on 12.45a.m

there was no BAKI!

but there was MOE

we don't like him~

so we off the TV immediately and gone to sleep

haha!poor MOE


the next morning,


Yi En and I can't woke up early

we thought of woke up at 7.30am

but we woke up on 8.30am

then same
practice till 6pm

and i went home at 6.30pm..

back to my home sweet home~