Friday, December 25, 2009

school restart is getting near~

4st January 2010 is getting near,time for tuition is getting near too.......
LIFE~as a secondary school student~
its very pressure~
no time to rest,no time to chat~tuition tuition and tuition everday...
just because of form 3's PMR
examination~PMR trial~
even now i haven start schooling yet but i can know that the next year is a pressure year~
everybody keep asking me~what is your target for PMR??6A??7A??or what??
i don't know how to answer~
this kind of question are pressuring me~
i can't set a target because if i didn't reach my target at the end~i will dissappoint my parents,brothers......and myself...
then,i will think that i am useless~maybe die quickly is better~(but i will not die in the end)
why malaysia's government want us to study until 2/3 o'clock in the afternoon??they thought if the time of going to school is longer,the more clever are us....NO!!this is pressuring us!!
i am not a person that hate going to school~but the period is too long~why can't the government do like other country??1 day~schooling for maybe 5/6 hours ??some country schooling for just 2 hours per day~~so all the students can enjoy their schooling time without any pressure~

i can't blame~cause i am born to live in malaysia~this is MALAYSIA...


Anonymous said...

Agree wif u

Anonymous said...
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