Monday, January 11, 2010

such a hot day~

such a hot day~
my form's blok din hav electric~
what is going on??
what is the headmistress doing??!!
its really hot!!
damn damn hot!
shit school~
luckily i sit at the side of the class~
if not i will die and become grill boar~

today,joyce and me paste some of our idols' pictures on our desk~
i paste a rat picture,then joyce,kenny,yao cheng & jax~laugh non-stop~
whats so funny??just a rat~
but the rat is useful cause when u are sleepy~
it use to cheer us up~


i am so happy~
cause my English teacher said my beautiful&simple~
ha~the 1st time got people said my excercise is simple and beautiful~


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