Friday, June 18, 2010

its for MOO YI EN.....

1.What is your favourite movie?
-I think is alice in the wonderland

2.How many times you watch it since it is your favourite movie?
-4  times

 3.Wow!what a number of times.haha

4.So who is the director of the movie?

5.Oh,the director of the movie BIG FISH in 2003
-yup, is him!

6.can u briefly describe the story of the movie for me because I haven’t watch the movie yet
-yes of course,I’ll briefly tell u about the story , this story is about a Nineteen-year-old Alice is attending party at a lavish country estate when she sees a white rabbit with a pocket watch dart into the bushes. Curious, she follows the rabbit to an enormous tree, and tumbles down a hole that takes her to Underland, a strange world inhabited by anthropomorphic creatures in search of someone to save them from the dreaded Red Queen ,who has assumed control of the kingdom by decapitating anyone who dares disagree with her.

7.Oh,let me guess,the red queen is the main villain of this movie
-ya,you are right!then,According to a scroll detailing a historical timeline of Underland --it is Alice who will set the kingdom free by defeating the Jabberwocky, a powerful dragon-like creature under the control of the Red Queen. some of the creatures of Underland have their doubts, the Mad Hatter and his friends are certain she's the same girl who previously visited them years ago. When the Red Queen kidnaps the Mad Hatter, Alice attempts to free her friend and restoring the White Queen to the throne, and bringing peace back to Underland. sound you feel the ending is suitable?
-ya,it is suitable and it is a fantastic movie for me. really love this movie very much,hey,its time for me to go home,chat next time and thanks for telling me the story.
-you are welcome


Anonymous said...

I'm gonna kill you..

elayne said...

too long??
u just need to ask,i answer lor..

Anonymous said...

Walao...siao can I memorize all of these??? T.T
I think we need to change to other topic..

Anonymous said...

You manage to memorize them ma??

elayne said...

hehe...i can~
only u...
u can or not?
i already try to memorize,
now i can memorize till the yes of course place dy~