Tuesday, August 10, 2010

TRIPLE S's cutie Jungmin leaves DSP

finally ,we - TRIPLE S's jungmin leaves DSP.
as a TRIPLE S,
I'm happy for him~

Jungmin oppa leaves 'papa' DSP~
he signed a new contract with another company called CNR MEDIA..

but he is still in SS501~

first,is we TRIPLE S's leader - HyunJung leaves
then now, our jungmin leaves too~

memorizing their last song ~

are they singing this song for all TRIPLE S?

'we still LOVE YA Triple S although two of us - hyunjung and jungmin are leaving DSP'

JUNGMIN oppa wrote this on the official website:

08/10 [diary] This is JungMin~!^^

This is JungMin~!^^
2010-08-10 10:02:13AM

Hello ~ ^^ This is JungMin~!
I am writing a message again after such a long time~~!

Is everyone of our Triple S good?
Weather is hot~ Pours of rain too…!
Students had their school holidays, those who are working have their summer holiday~~
I am curious if everything went well..!!

I am always fine/living well~
I am in the maintenance mode these days~~ My body is in good health, heart is feeling bright~!!
I will upload a verification shot (photo) that I have become a handsome guy..!^^*

Hm… The reason for me writing this message today is
Because that I had promised the previous time..!
That if I sign a contract, I will be the first person to say it to you.

I was troubled, and discussed again to make the decision.

I will be coming up as ‘Park JungMin’ in the new ‘SS501’
(Of couse, I am always ‘SS501’s JungMin’..! JungMin in SS501!)!

The company that I will be working with this time is called CNR MEDIA,
It is made up of Taiwan’s ‘Comic-ritz’ and
Local (Korea) company ‘ROY MEDIA’.

we still support you,
oppa hwaiting!

and i hope to see they perform again together on stage~

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