Sunday, September 5, 2010

poor taemin

>click this to view those pictures that other students bully taemin<<
you must know how to read in chinese to view it
coz it is in chinese~
or you can just view the photos

POOR little Taemin
how can those people did that to him~
they envy taemin??
jealous him?

Taemin is also a HUMAN~~

although I'm not his fan (ok,I'm Jonghyun's fan,my bling bling junghyun~aww)

but I pity him too~

maybe those people are too free,
maybe they go to school are not for study,

when i saw those pictures,
i was like
'what the shit!'

why don't Taemin just transfer to other school?
why SM.E didn't take some action?
why those teachers didn't take any action?

not because taemin is an artist so we must protect him~
if thats not taemin
is just a simple guy or girl or whatever
they cant do this to him/her too~

they are too over~


taemin~just call your hyung to protect you~
junghyun~~tumbuk them!!!!


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