Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Its been a long time I didn't update my blog~
some sad things took me here today~
I found out my life is dull...
nobody support me~
I've been mean to many people these days~
I'm very sorry to them.. 'period time'
I regret what I did~
I regret everything..
Be in this position makes sorta everybody hate me~
I cant live without friends~
what they've said really hurt me~
what should I do ?
its a WRONG to be in this position~
I want my friends back ~
support me~
I didn't think of be in this position too at the first~
tears drop while I was dancing just now~
i really REGRET everything
SORRY to all my friends...
SORRY to all those who hates me,
SORRY for taking your position,
SORRY for everything ~

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