Wednesday, February 17, 2010


my beLOVEd
Kwon Jiyong,stage name: G-Dragon
a cute rapper,he is the best rapper in Korea (my opinion)

Nichkhun from 2pm (prince of Thailand)
he has charming eyes and his smile kills me when i saw his pictures..


Jang Wooyoong
has small eyes but he is the cutest one


Kim Jonghyun
i like him cause his eyes are not too big like Joyce husband and not too small like Joanna's husband..


Kim Taegoon
i love his voice...and he dances well...

thats too many for me to write about my beloved..this 5 are the main one..

                    To:all my beloved
                                                        From:Elayne the gorilla fan..


YINGNee_21 said...

I like him cause his eyes are not too big like Joyce husband and not too small like Joanna's husband.....What la u!!
Nichkhun from 2pm (prince of Thailand)
he has charming eyes and his smile kills me when i saw his pictures.....Ya meh???not that kind of pic ar??

elayne said...

hahahaha....ya la...not like ur minho and jo's KEY...

his smile kills me..

tat kind of pic r torturing me...
