Thursday, April 29, 2010

they don't understand me..

they really don't understand me...
i hate when they scold me...
i didn't done anything wrong..
but they scold me...
I think they thought scold people is a kind of fun....i guess...

I'm so moodless...after he/she scold me...

watching them playing so happy ...
but I'm just sitting quietly at my place...

I had no mood to play...

has anyone in this world that really understand me?


I went to give all KAS's AJKs some sheet...

oh...i'm so tired...

luckily ,joanna accompanied me...

she scold me!!
she ask me about the carta organisasi..
I said i don't know..
I'm not the one who make that...
I just photostat and give it to you all..
but why you give me such a big responsibility??
I'm just a little AJK + vice secretary.....

oh please...'chebal'!!


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