Monday, September 24, 2012


Its been months since my last post,
I was so busy until I dont have time to update my blog.
Its End of September now
another 40 days,
my Year end examination [SPM] will be held on  5th November.
I'll end my high school life soon.
I was selected to join the National Service for 3 months but I plan not to go
I will apply for University maybe next month
Tuition ,Sleep ,Study ,Eat ----> Routine of my life now
no fun!
I hate it!
but what can I do?
I still need to study ...
I'm quite looking forward to my college/university life..
the days that I can drive on my own
go on vacation with my friends
uh~~need to stop thinking of it~
Concentrate on study !
Elayne! Hwaiting!

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