Saturday, January 23, 2010


don't know why~
i feel very unhappy this week~~
with those my friends who are cry...nose pain...and whatever..

had many things happened in this week..

it just like a drama..

i can't stand with those who cause this problems...

please stop it!!

3A1 suppose to be a excited+happy class~
but why the atmosphere change so sudden..
where is the atmosphere like the 1st week schooling??

it change so sudden...

its boring--
this 'drama' are really very boring..
please stop it!!
if not, i will sue u!

to the the main actor/actress:
do u feel boring??u always continue to do the same things...

i started to hate u..
u do your shit face in front of us..

do u really think yourself are very beautiful??

please be quiet!!

oh...i am tired of watching this drama~

please change it...

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