Sunday, February 7, 2010


last friday..
i went out with my friends..Joanna,Joyce the big mouse,Wendy,Tiffany,Misa...
we shopped here and there..
and we did some crazy things together..
at the pizza hut..
Joie came..
we use the spoon,fork and knife to take pictures..
its really very crazy..
Fu lin & Jax came..
then we stopped doing the crazy things and started to eat..
we were full but there were still some food left so we called Joanna brought back home..
and bake it the next day..
then we went to Guardian to buy some things..

later,we go back home by Joyce the mouse's car..
Joie started with a crazy idea..
what was the idea..haha(its a secret..)

then ...we chat...and chat and chat...
bla bla bla..

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