Thursday, April 29, 2010

they don't understand me..

they really don't understand me...
i hate when they scold me...
i didn't done anything wrong..
but they scold me...
I think they thought scold people is a kind of fun....i guess...

I'm so moodless...after he/she scold me...

watching them playing so happy ...
but I'm just sitting quietly at my place...

I had no mood to play...

has anyone in this world that really understand me?


I went to give all KAS's AJKs some sheet...

oh...i'm so tired...

luckily ,joanna accompanied me...

she scold me!!
she ask me about the carta organisasi..
I said i don't know..
I'm not the one who make that...
I just photostat and give it to you all..
but why you give me such a big responsibility??
I'm just a little AJK + vice secretary.....

oh please...'chebal'!!


Monday, April 26, 2010

I am sorry I have hindered your view..

thanks a lot..
you make me lost my confident..

thanks to Yi En for telling me what he/she had told her about me and thanks for helping me..

he/she hurt me only with one sentence that he/she told Yi En 's friend...(and thanks to Yi En's friend that told Yi En)

he/she had hurt me so much just with a sentence...

when Yi En told me that she want to tell me something that will hurt my feeling ,I started to think of something bad but I called her to tell me,

............blah blah blah...................

after she told me everything,

I was like 'what!' in my heart but I still do like I don't care what he/she had said...

I told Yi En that I'm ok with it....

but ...when I reached home...

I cried...

tears drop from my eyes...

just a sentence had hurt me so much..

I truly lost my confident ...


I've tried many things to let myself look more confident...

I know I can't be
the tallest,
the prettiest,
the cleverest,
the cutest,
or whatever...

so I choose to be the craziest...

only that kind of crazy things or another word in cantonese call 'sohai' can make me look happy..

hanging a fake smile on your face is a hard thing to do...

I just want to be a confident girl...

is it so hard??

I am also a people , a girl...

I also care about what people say about me...

I am so moodless........

can anyone tell me how to build up my confident??


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

unlucky day...

today we played poker...
i just win 2 times..
so unlucky..

A: whats that?
B:I don't know how to explain
B:ish...don't ask so much...

today..Joyce and my topic:


what kind of topic is this??!!

we laugh non-stop in the bus...

wahahaha.......some secret.....

when I reach my house.....
bus uncle's daughter and someone pour water at me...
oh my god...
I'm all wet...shit!

oh....I hate songkran...
they pour water to me every year when songkran....

when I cross the road..

many peoples were looking at me...

and some bubbles on their head thinking:what is this girl doing?why is she so wet?

I want to tell them :because today is songkran...

but I didn't told them cause they were driving in the car...wahaha~~

not funny....