Wednesday, August 18, 2010

no harsh but fire burning~

i admit i did cheated on the science paper 2 exam (just like JOYCE and MABEL admitted on their blog),
not only me
but the whole class except some people,
the teacher is watching us while we are discussing~

and we are not being childish~
nobody is breaking them up
but don't know why
they think like that..

I know discussing while exam is a wrong thing
but do you think that you didn't cheat too?
we admit what we had done
but you?
you know what question will out when the exam
but you don't even wanna tell anyone else~
so this is not cheating?

telling everyone about this,
is this fun ?
is this entertain you?

I didn't said that I am 100% pure and right
but at least I admit it
not like you~
is ok if you didn't admit it,
but at least you don't have to gossip about us,

I'm trying not to use harsh words~

don't act like you are an angel but you are a devil~

I know that you are saying us childish
but you are not mature too

some people will think that I'm exactly wrong
they anti us
but didn't they think that they also cheated in the exam?
can you prove to us that you haven't cheated before?
can you say that you are 100% pure from cheating in exam?

who wanna ruin your life?
so stop gossiping about this issue~
its a stupid issue
we are tied~
you cheated before
and i cheated before too~

you don't deserve those good result because you didn't pay much attention while revising
not the cheating things make you drop~
we drop too,
not only you...
at least we know that we drop because of not paying enough hardship on studying

by the way,
that person~
i'll never forget what he/she had 'shoot' me last few days,
he/she only be friend with those who are the prettiest,the smartest and so on~

don't ever think that you are the smartest~
there are more people that smarter than you in the whole wide world~


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