Sunday, October 31, 2010

today with the date :31 of October~raining non-stop

yeah~I didn't online this morning and evening.
you know why?
coz i went to buy some sweaters.
i'm so excited.
my holidays are coming!

and theres a hot topic between clareen,joyce and I
the topic is 'perang tiga segi'
its kinda funny coz three of us use the same model of hand phone and share the same bias together

oh,and i'm sneezing now
my nose gonna got off from my face soon><
and because of last week's music bank
i hurted my throat because of shouting of 2pm~><
and  i ate prawn and squid last few days,
after eating them,my face become more bad now,
I regret of eating those.but i can't stop my mouth~

its 2.32AM in the morning now but i'm not sleeping
still updating!
but i'm tired now...
after finish this post,i gonna hit my comfy bed~
YONG YONG ,I'm coming.
if you watch my last post,you'll know who is YONG YONG,
YONG YONG is my fake kangaroo><


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