Friday, March 26, 2010

a hot day + T.O.C Ent

my class didn't even had 1 chinese boy student come to school,
they are lazy...

today is such a boring day in school...
it is really very hot and we sat at the hall...
the teachers don't even want to plug on those fans for us...
the weather was hot like hell !!
but luckily I brought my 'little' fan went to school..
but it is noisy when i on it..

I sat together with Joyce at the hall..
we chit-chat ..
theres nothing we can't chat...
we chat everything...
we didn't listen to those teachers who were talking in front...


we are talkative...

T.O.C Ent...
u know whats this??

guess it...


its Joanna,Joyce and my surname..

we influence people to love kpop...


T.O.C Ent

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