Tuesday, March 23, 2010

lets welcome the 17th to my list...

guess who is it...

guess it...

oh who?


yeah yeah!!



its Kevin from U-Kiss

bingeul bingeul bingeul bingeul...

he is sooooo cute and he is single-eyelid...


YINGNee_21 said...

you so mean..let the cute Kevin to be in 17th...he's number 7 in my list leh~kekeke...kick Jonghoon down to 8...Dongho at 6..kekeke~~

elayne said...

you are so bad..
Jonghoon down to 8..pity him...
my meaning is welcome 17th to my list...but he is not the 17th..
he is number 6 in my list..Xiah is always the last...no need to mention it..