Saturday, August 28, 2010

day by day

time passes so fast~
and I started to ask myself
'did I read any reference books?'
'how many As do I wanna score?'

just forget those question
it can only make me sick of reading those reference books

I must read~
I burn midnight oil these few days
cause no school for the next morning

another 1 month
I gonna attend an important exam~

I didn't target full As for the exam~
but I still gonna score st least a few As

now,forget the As,As things~

last night,
I saw my primary school's english teacher
she is very strict
but I still like her very much
she is a good teacher

I saw her at a restaurant
this is the first time I saw her at the town
after I enter the secondary school
I wish I can back to my primary school and visit her one day
but I didn't have time~

I am very happy that I can chat with her last night,
she looks old to me now
after 3 years didn't saw her
she really changed a lot
I heard some of my friends said
she don't like to scold pupils now
I really very shock
when my friend said that

she used to scold my class a lot when I was in standard six
but for me
she scold us
because she wants us to do our best in the exam
she wants us to be useful people
but many students hate her
because she likes to scold them~

she is the best ENGLISH teacher I ever met~

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

no harsh but fire burning~

i admit i did cheated on the science paper 2 exam (just like JOYCE and MABEL admitted on their blog),
not only me
but the whole class except some people,
the teacher is watching us while we are discussing~

and we are not being childish~
nobody is breaking them up
but don't know why
they think like that..

I know discussing while exam is a wrong thing
but do you think that you didn't cheat too?
we admit what we had done
but you?
you know what question will out when the exam
but you don't even wanna tell anyone else~
so this is not cheating?

telling everyone about this,
is this fun ?
is this entertain you?

I didn't said that I am 100% pure and right
but at least I admit it
not like you~
is ok if you didn't admit it,
but at least you don't have to gossip about us,

I'm trying not to use harsh words~

don't act like you are an angel but you are a devil~

I know that you are saying us childish
but you are not mature too

some people will think that I'm exactly wrong
they anti us
but didn't they think that they also cheated in the exam?
can you prove to us that you haven't cheated before?
can you say that you are 100% pure from cheating in exam?

who wanna ruin your life?
so stop gossiping about this issue~
its a stupid issue
we are tied~
you cheated before
and i cheated before too~

you don't deserve those good result because you didn't pay much attention while revising
not the cheating things make you drop~
we drop too,
not only you...
at least we know that we drop because of not paying enough hardship on studying

by the way,
that person~
i'll never forget what he/she had 'shoot' me last few days,
he/she only be friend with those who are the prettiest,the smartest and so on~

don't ever think that you are the smartest~
there are more people that smarter than you in the whole wide world~


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

burst again

remember what I have wrote on my bloggie~
one of my previous post~
I cried because of Jay Park left 2pm~
I cried like a dead dog that time,

I cried again,
but this time is not a bad thing,
I cried because 2pm 's new single is too touching,
this song is dedicated to all HOTTEST~

this song is call THANK YOU
'so I thank you and I love you'

2pm love HOTTEST,
HOTTEST love 2pm too~

I burst my tears again because of 2pm

I think I'll love 2pm forever.
I think I'm a HOTTEST forever~


because of 2pm

I started to love kpop more

I burst my tears for so much times

there was some bad news too

but mostly is good news


not only have perfect body shape

their voice are also perfect

I know there are also anti-fans out there

who are not agree with this

please get away!


2pm are the best

2pm are never going down

just like the lyrics of DON'T STOP CAN'T STOP


You are the best

'so I thank you

and I love you'


Friday, August 13, 2010

some of my online best friends~

we knew each others at twitter
they chat with me every time
we have online study group too
they are

Ann Shin

and the other facts like


Thursday, August 12, 2010

tomorrow is the last day

tomorrow is the last day of my trial exam~
and the last subject is mathematics..
i feel pressure for this subject
i can't get a B..
or not my tuition teacher--thats my uncle will scold me like hell~
and i must get 90++..
i'm not confident at all this time~
theres only 2 months left~
my PMR exam is coming~
and i gonna face it soon~
i gonna start my tough days now~
i'll rest for a week after tomorrow and start the tough days~

i gonna go to K.L the next friday to attend my brother's convocation~
i'll have two nice days at K.L with my brothers and my brothers girl friends..
i kinda miss them~

gotta stop and do my mathematics practices now..

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


the queen of KPOP
shareholder of SM.E
good in dancing 
good in singing
the one and only girl
who famous without SEXY concept
she is cool
she is fantastic
she is fabulous
she is the best
she is beautiful
she is pretty
she is stylish
she is the one and only 
BoA Kwon
stand for Beat Of Angel
and the QUEEN is coming back with the new song + mv

heres the MV:

isn't she fantastic?

TRIPLE S's cutie Jungmin leaves DSP

finally ,we - TRIPLE S's jungmin leaves DSP.
as a TRIPLE S,
I'm happy for him~

Jungmin oppa leaves 'papa' DSP~
he signed a new contract with another company called CNR MEDIA..

but he is still in SS501~

first,is we TRIPLE S's leader - HyunJung leaves
then now, our jungmin leaves too~

memorizing their last song ~

are they singing this song for all TRIPLE S?

'we still LOVE YA Triple S although two of us - hyunjung and jungmin are leaving DSP'

JUNGMIN oppa wrote this on the official website:

08/10 [diary] This is JungMin~!^^

This is JungMin~!^^
2010-08-10 10:02:13AM

Hello ~ ^^ This is JungMin~!
I am writing a message again after such a long time~~!

Is everyone of our Triple S good?
Weather is hot~ Pours of rain too…!
Students had their school holidays, those who are working have their summer holiday~~
I am curious if everything went well..!!

I am always fine/living well~
I am in the maintenance mode these days~~ My body is in good health, heart is feeling bright~!!
I will upload a verification shot (photo) that I have become a handsome guy..!^^*

Hm… The reason for me writing this message today is
Because that I had promised the previous time..!
That if I sign a contract, I will be the first person to say it to you.

I was troubled, and discussed again to make the decision.

I will be coming up as ‘Park JungMin’ in the new ‘SS501’
(Of couse, I am always ‘SS501’s JungMin’..! JungMin in SS501!)!

The company that I will be working with this time is called CNR MEDIA,
It is made up of Taiwan’s ‘Comic-ritz’ and
Local (Korea) company ‘ROY MEDIA’.

we still support you,
oppa hwaiting!

and i hope to see they perform again together on stage~

Sunday, August 8, 2010


i keep reading history and geography~
i didn't even touch science...
tomorrow is trial~
i gonna die~
when the results is out~
my world is spinning now,
i burnt the midnight oil till 3A.M~
and i still can't finish it~
i had wasted my days~
i should read it earlier~
this is the last day~
and tomorrow is TRIAL~
BM and history~

i gonna burn the midnight oil tonight too~

i gonna finish history~
or not,
i'll die~


wish me luck~

and wish all my friends too~


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

SHINee lucifer dance ver.

i saw my jonghyun!!!
so hot!!!!!!!!!!

2pm first concert~

my god~
our babies' first concert was way so success~
and HOT man!


this song is so touching~
made me cried again~when i was listening to it..

our baby KHUNNIE had his solo stage~
i love this so much~
CUTE baby!
i screamed like hell ~
you are soooooooo 100% 1000% 10000% 1000000000000000%

oh~my cutie baby ANG ANG- wooyoung !
so cute~
but i'm expecting more than this,
only solo dance?
i thought he'll dance..
oh..but i still like this~

and now~

our maknae channie~
so HOT!!!!!!
when i'm watching this video,
i'm not watching channie,
i'm watching NAMYOUNG~
freakin hot!!!!
they wave their body like a snake ...
i'm lack of blood~

maknae CHANSUNG!!!!!!!!!!!!!


they are killing me~

Sunday, August 1, 2010

many kinds of Elayne

2009 of Elayne-with a pair of glasses

many of my friends laugh like hell when they saw my old pictures,
one day,
i wear my glasses to school~
one of my friend laugh non-stop

January to April 2010 of  Elayne
no glasses,
did hair rebonding,
let those glasses be my memories,
wearing contact lens
be a confident girl

June 2010 of Elayne
Love sunglasses~
posting like CL...

July 2010 of Elayne
draw something on the face-
copying RAIN~


with a new nickname
(also copying RAIN with RAINism)